Source code for pythia.models.base


A deep learning model used to extract metadata from a video source.

    A labels.txt file, containing the list of model labels.
    A pgie.conf file.
    A model.etlt,model.engine or any Deepstream-nvinfer compatible engine file.

from __future__ import annotations

import configparser
import json
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses import field
from pathlib import Path
from textwrap import dedent as _
from typing import Collection
from typing import Dict
from typing import Optional
from typing import Type
from typing import TypeVar

from pythia.types import Con
from pythia.types import HasConnections
from pythia.utils.ext import not_empty
from pythia.utils.ext import not_none
from pythia.utils.gst import Gst

IE = TypeVar("IE", bound="InferenceEngine")
T = TypeVar("T", bound="Tracker")
A = TypeVar("A", bound="Analytics")

[docs]@dataclass class InferenceEngine(HasConnections): """Pythia wrapper around nvinfer gst element.""" MODEL_SUFFIXES = { ".etlt": "tlt-encoded-model", ".caffe": "model-file", ".caffemodel": "model-file", ".prototxt": "proto-file", ".onnx": "onnx-file", ".uff": "uff-file", # ".engine": "model-engine-file", } """Supported model extensions (prioritized order). Used when an inference engine is to be instantiated by a directory, to locate supported models from their extension. See Also: :meth:`locate_source_model`. """ MODEL_CONFIG_SUFFIXES = ( ".conf", ".ini", ".yml", ".yaml", ) """Ordered collection of supported model config file extensions. Used when an inference engine is to be instantiated by a directory, to locate `config-file-path` from their extension. See Also: :meth:`locate_config_file`. """ labels_file: Path config_file: Path _string: Optional[str] = None source_model: Optional[Path] = None compiled_model: Optional[Path] = None _default_props: Dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict) CONNECTIONS: Con = field(default_factory=dict) # noqa: C0103
[docs] def gst(self, name: str, **kw) -> str: """Render nvinfer with `gst-launch`-like syntax. Args: name: nvinfer gstreamer element name property. kw: nvinfer gstreamer property name and value. Returns: Rendered string See Also: """ props = "\n".join(f"{k.replace('_', '-')}={v}" for k, v in kw.items()) self._string = _( f"""\ nvinfer config-file-path={self.config_file} name={name} {props} """ ) return self._string
[docs] @classmethod def locate_source_model(cls, folder: Path) -> Path | None: """Find the first deepstream model file in a folder. It iterates over the known nvinfer-compatible model file extensions, and returns at the first success. Args: folder: Directory to search the model. Returns: Found model, or `None` if not found. """ for suffix in cls.MODEL_SUFFIXES: try: return not_empty(next(iter(folder.glob(f"*{suffix}")))) except StopIteration: pass return None
[docs] @staticmethod def locate_labels_file(folder: Path) -> Path: """Find labels file from a directory. Args: folder: directory to search labels file. Returns: The first file matching the `*label*` pattern inside the directory. Raises: FileNotFoundError: no file matches the expected labels pattern. """ try: return not_empty(next(iter(folder.glob("*label*")))) except StopIteration as exc: raise FileNotFoundError( f"No labels file found at {folder}" ) from exc
[docs] @classmethod def locate_config_file(cls, folder: Path) -> Path: """Find the first model config file in a folder. Iterate over the known nvinfer-compatible config-file-path file extensions, and returns at the first success. Args: folder: Directory to search the model. Returns: path to the found configuration file. Raises: FileNotFoundError: No configuration file found. """ for suffix in cls.MODEL_CONFIG_SUFFIXES: try: return not_empty(next(iter(folder.glob(f"*{suffix}")))) except StopIteration: pass raise FileNotFoundError(f"No config file found at {folder}")
[docs] @staticmethod def locate_compiled_model( folder: Path, source_model: Path | None ) -> Path | None: """Find the first model engine file in a folder. Returns a file matching the `*.engine` pattern Args: folder: Directory to search the model. source_model: If set, use this path's stem to try to locate the `.engine` file. Otherwise, finds any `*.engine`. Returns: path to the found configuration file. Raises: FileNotFoundError: No configuration file found using any of the strategies. """ if source_model: try: return not_empty( next( iter( source_model.parent.glob( f"*{source_model.stem}*.engine" ) ) ) ) except StopIteration: pass try: return next(iter(folder.glob("*.engine"))) except StopIteration as exc: if not source_model: raise FileNotFoundError( f"Neither {source_model=} nor its compiled version exist." ) from exc return None
[docs] @classmethod def from_folder(cls: Type[IE], folder: str | Path) -> IE: """Factory to instantiate from directories. Args: folder: Directory where the model files are located. Returns: Instantiated model. Raises: FileNotFoundError: empty folder received. """ folder = Path(folder).resolve() if not folder.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"No directory not found at {folder}.") source_model = cls.locate_source_model(folder) labels_file = cls.locate_labels_file(folder) config_file = cls.locate_config_file(folder) compiled_model = cls.locate_compiled_model(folder, source_model) return cls( labels_file=labels_file, config_file=config_file, source_model=source_model, compiled_model=compiled_model, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_element(cls: Type[IE], element: Gst.Element) -> IE: """Factory from nvinfer. Args: element: The nvinfer to use as source. Returns: The instantiated nvinfer wrapper. """ skip = ("parent",) props = {} for prop in element.list_properties(): name = if name in skip: continue raw = element.get_property(name) try: value = raw.value_nick # enums except AttributeError: value = str(raw) if isinstance(raw, bool): value = value.lower() # False -> false props[name] = value config_file = Path(props.pop("config-file-path")).resolve() return cls( config_file=config_file, labels_file=not_none( cls.pop_property_or_get_from_nvinfer_conf( # noqa: C0301 config_file, props, property_names=("labelfile-path",), ) ), source_model=cls.pop_property_or_get_from_nvinfer_conf( config_file, props, property_names=cls.MODEL_SUFFIXES.values(), ), compiled_model=cls.pop_property_or_get_from_nvinfer_conf( config_file, props, property_names=("model-engine-file",), ), _default_props=props, )
[docs] @staticmethod def pop_property_or_get_from_nvinfer_conf( config_file: Path, props: dict[str, str], *, property_names: Collection[str], ) -> Path | None: """Pop nvinfer property, or get from config_file if not found. Args: config_file: `nvinfer.conf` ini file. Used to compute absolute paths, and default source for property values if not found in the props arg. props: element properties where to look for the desired properties. Note: If the property is found, its popped from this dict. property_names: possible property names to look for. Returns: First occurence of the property_names, as found either in the props dict or in the nvinfer.conf `[property]` section. Raises: FileNotFoundError: None of the requested names is available in the properties, and the config file does not exist. """ # extract from nvinfer's properties for prop_name in property_names: value = props.get(prop_name, None) if value is None: continue value_path = Path(value) if not value_path.is_absolute(): value_path = value_path.relative_to(config_file).resolve() return value_path # extract from nvinfer's config file if not config_file.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(config_file) config = configparser.ConfigParser() for prop_name in property_names: value = config["property"].get(prop_name, None) if value is None: continue value_path = Path(value) if not value_path.is_absolute(): value_path = (config_file.parent / value_path).resolve() return value_path return None
[docs]@dataclass class Tracker(HasConnections): """Pythia wrapper around nvtracker gst element.""" config_file: Path low_level_library: Path = Path( "/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/lib/" ).resolve() _string: Optional[str] = None _default_props: Dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict) CONNECTIONS: Con = field(default_factory=dict) # noqa: C0103
[docs] @classmethod def from_file( cls: Type[T], config_file: Path, low_level_library: Path = low_level_library, ) -> T: """Factory to create `Tracker` s from configuration file. Args: config_file: path for the `nvtracker` gstreamer element 'll-config-file' property. low_level_library: path for the `nvtracker` gstreamer element 'll-lib-file' property (shared object). Returns: Instantiated `Tracker`. Raises: FileNotFoundError: Tracker config file does not exist. """ config_file = Path(config_file).resolve() if not config_file.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError( f"No Tracker configuration file found at {config_file}." ) return cls( config_file=config_file, low_level_library=low_level_library, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_element(cls: Type[T], element: Gst.Element) -> T: """Factory from nvtracker. Args: element: The nvtracker to use as source. Returns: The instantiated nvtracker wrapper. """ skip = ("parent",) props = {} for prop in element.list_properties(): name = if name in skip: continue raw = element.get_property(name) try: value = raw.value_nick # enums except AttributeError: value = str(raw) if isinstance(raw, bool): value = value.lower() # False -> false props[name] = value return cls( config_file=props.pop("ll-config-file"), low_level_library=props.pop("ll-lib-file"), _default_props=props, )
[docs] def gst(self, **kwargs: str) -> str: """Render nvtracker element with `gst-launch`-like syntax. Args: kwargs: Additional gst element properties. Returns: Rendered string. Raises: FileNotFoundError: Tracker `ll-config-file` not found. See Also: """ inline_props = json.loads(json.dumps(self._default_props)) inline_props.update(kwargs) props = "\n".join( f"{k.replace('_', '-')}={v}" for k, v in inline_props.items() ) if not self.low_level_library.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError( "Could not find Tracker implementation" f" at {self.low_level_library}" ) self._string = _( f"""\ nvtracker ll-config-file={self.config_file} ll-lib-file={self.low_level_library} {props} """ ) return self._string
[docs]@dataclass class Analytics(HasConnections): """Pythia wrapper around nvdsanalytics gst element.""" config_file: Path _string: Optional[str] = None _default_props: Dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict) CONNECTIONS: Con = field(default_factory=dict) # noqa: C0103
[docs] def gst(self, **kwargs: str) -> str: """Render string as `gst-launch`-like parseable string. Args: kwargs: Additional gst element properties. Returns: Rendered `nvdsanalytics`. See Also: """ inline_props = json.loads(json.dumps(self._default_props)) inline_props.update(kwargs) props = "\n".join( f"{k.replace('_', '-')}={v}" for k, v in inline_props.items() ) self._string = _( f"""\ nvdsanalytics config-file={self.config_file} {props} """ ) return self._string
[docs] def requires_tracker(self) -> bool: """Return `True` if its `nvdsanalytics` requires `nvtracker`. Returns: `True` if its `nvdsanalytics` contains line crossing or direction andata. """ config = configparser.ConfigParser() for section_name in config.sections(): if any( section_name.startswith(pattern) for pattern in ( "line-crossing", "direction-detection", ) ): return True return False
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls: Type[A], config_file: Path) -> A: """Factory from configuration file. Args: config_file: location of the nvdsanalytics `config-file` property. Returns: The instantiated `nvdsanalytics` wrapper class. Raises: FileNotFoundError: The `nvdsanalytics` `config-file` property is not found. """ config_file = Path(config_file).resolve() if not config_file.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError( f"No Analytics configuration file found at {config_file}." ) return cls(config_file=config_file)
[docs] @classmethod def from_element(cls: Type[A], element: Gst.Element) -> A: """Factory from nvdsanalytics. Args: element: The nvdsanalytics to use as source. Returns: The instantiated nvdsanalytics wrapper. """ skip = ("parent",) props = {} for prop in element.list_properties(): name = if name in skip: continue raw = element.get_property(name) try: value = raw.value_nick # enums except AttributeError: value = str(raw) if isinstance(raw, bool): value = value.lower() # False -> false props[name] = value return cls( config_file=props.pop("config-file"), _default_props=props, )