Source code for pythia.applications.base


An application is composed of (at least) a pipeline. It implements two logics:

    State management: Start/Stop/Play/Pause of the pipeline.
    Bus Call

from __future__ import annotations

import inspect
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from logging import getLogger
from pathlib import Path
from threading import Thread
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Dict
from typing import Optional
from typing import Protocol
from typing import Type
from typing import TypeVar
from typing import Union

import pyds

from pythia.event_stream.base import Backend
from pythia.pipelines.base import BasePipeline
from pythia.pipelines.base import StringPipeline
from pythia.types import EventStreamUri
from pythia.types import Loop
from pythia.types import Probes
from pythia.types import SupportedCb
from pythia.utils.ds import info2batchmeta
from pythia.utils.gst import get_element
from pythia.utils.gst import get_static_pad
from pythia.utils.gst import GLib
from pythia.utils.gst import Gst
from pythia.utils.gst import gst_init
from pythia.utils.gst import PadDirection
from pythia.utils.message_handlers import on_message_eos
from pythia.utils.message_handlers import on_message_error

logger = getLogger(__name__)


[docs]class RunLoop(Protocol): """Loop wrapper interface.""" def __init__(self, loop: Optional[Loop], *args, **kwargs) -> None: """Initialize a loop wrapper. Args: args: Implementation constructor optional args. loop: The loop to wrap. kwargs: Implementation constructor optional args. """
[docs] def join(self) -> None: """Run and block the loop."""
[docs] def start(self) -> None: """Ensure the loop is running / activated."""
[docs] def quit(self) -> None: # noqa: A003 """Stop the running loop."""
[docs]class ForegroundLoop(RunLoop): """Simple Loop wrapper implementation to run a blocking loop."""
[docs] def __init__(self, loop: Optional[Loop] = None): """Initialize a foreground glib loop. Args: loop: the loop to run. If not set, uses :class:`GLib.MainLoop` """ self._loop = loop
@property def loop(self) -> Loop: """Lazy property for the loop. Returns: initialized or pre-existing loop. """ if not self._loop: self._loop = GLib.MainLoop() return self._loop
[docs] def start(self) -> None: """Ensure the lazy property is accessed at least once.""" self.loop # noqa: W0104
[docs] def join(self) -> None: """Run the main loop in the foreground."""
[docs] def quit(self) -> None: # noqa: A003 """Quit the main loop running the foreground.""" self.loop.quit()
[docs]class BackgroundThreadLoop(Thread, RunLoop): """Simple thread to run a loop without blocking."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, loop: Optional[Loop] = None, **kwargs): """Initialize a background thread to run the loop in. Args: args: Forwarded to thread constructor. loop: the loop to run. If not set, uses :class:`GLib.MainLoop` kwargs: Forwarded to thread constructor. """ kwargs.setdefault("daemon", True) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._loop = loop or GLib.MainLoop()
[docs] def run(self) -> None: """Run and block running the loop."""
[docs] def quit(self) -> None: # noqa: A003 """Quit the running loop.""" self._loop.quit()
BA = TypeVar("BA", bound="BaseApplication") OnBusMessage = Callable[[BA, Gst.Bus, Gst.Message], None] BoundGstPadProbeCallback = Callable[ [BA, Gst.Pad, Gst.PadProbeInfo], Gst.PadProbeReturn ] """Gstreamer PadProbe must implement this protocol. Using upstream 'Gst.PadProbeCallback' raises NotImplementedError. """ BoundBatchMetaCb = Callable[[BA, pyds.NvDsBatchMeta], Gst.PadProbeReturn] BoundFullPadCb = Callable[ [BA, Gst.Pad, Gst.PadProbeInfo, pyds.NvDsBatchMeta], Gst.PadProbeReturn ] BoundSupportedCb = Union[ BoundGstPadProbeCallback, BoundBatchMetaCb, BoundFullPadCb, ] CB = TypeVar("CB", SupportedCb, BoundSupportedCb)
[docs]class BaseApplication: """Base pythia application to reduce boilerplate. You can define pipeline message handlers and they will be called when pertinent. For example, by defining a method called 'on_message_error', pythia will connect said method as a signal handler for the 'message::eos' detailed signal. Only values from `Gst.MessageType` are allowed, see """ loop_cls: Type[RunLoop] = BackgroundThreadLoop
[docs] def __init__(self, pipeline: BasePipeline) -> None: """Construct an application from a pipeline. Args: pipeline: an instantiated `Pipeline`. """ self.pipeline = pipeline self.loop: Optional[RunLoop] = None self._bus: Optional[Gst.Bus] = None self._registered_probes: Probes = defaultdict( lambda: defaultdict(list) ) self._message_handlers = self._build_message_handlers() self.watch_ids: list[int] = []
[docs] def _build_message_handlers(self) -> Dict[str, OnBusMessage]: handlers = {} for name in dir(self): if not name.startswith("on_message"): continue if name.startswith("on_message_"): key = "message::{}".format( # noqa: C0209 name.split("on_message")[1].lstrip("_").replace("_", "-") ) else: key = "message" handlers[key] = getattr(self, name) return handlers
[docs] @classmethod def from_pipeline_string( cls: Type[BA], pipeline: str, extractors: Probes | None = None ) -> BA: """Factory from pipeline string. Args: pipeline: the string to use to generate the pipeline. extractors: buffer probes to inject to the pipeline. Returns: The instantiated app. """ app = cls(StringPipeline(pipeline)) app.inject_probes(extractors or {}) return app
[docs] @classmethod def from_pipeline_file( cls: Type[BA], pipeline_file: str | Path, *args, params: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> BA: """Factory from pipeline file. Args: pipeline_file: the string to use to generate the pipeline. params: Parameters to format the pipeline. args: Forwarded to :meth:`from_pipeline_file` factory. kwargs: Forwarded to :meth:`from_pipeline_file` factory. Returns: The instantiated app. """ pipeline = Path(pipeline_file).read_text(encoding="utf-8") pipeline_string = pipeline.format_map(params or {}) return cls.from_pipeline_string(pipeline_string, *args, **kwargs)
@property def bus(self) -> Gst.Bus: """Get pipeline bus - lazy property. Returns: The pipeline's bus. Raises: RuntimeError: Unable to get bus from pipeline. """ if self._bus is None: self._bus = self.pipeline.pipeline.get_bus() if self._bus is None: raise RuntimeError("Unable to get Pipeline bus") return self._bus
[docs] def _before_pipeline_start(self, loop) -> RunLoop: """Call hook - run before pipeline start. Args: loop: the loop to run. Returns: A thread running the background loop. """ for element_name, connection in self.pipeline.CONNECTIONS.items(): element = get_element(self.pipeline.pipeline, element_name) for signal, callback in connection.items(): element.connect(signal, callback) self.connect_bus() self.loop = self.loop_cls(loop=loop) self.loop.start() self.before_pipeline_start() return self.loop
[docs] def before_pipeline_start(self) -> None: """Custom call hook - run before pipeline start."""
[docs] def after_pipeline_start(self) -> None: """Call hook - run after pipeline start."""
[docs] def before_loop_join(self) -> None: """Call hook - run before calling `loop.join`."""
[docs] def before_loop_quit(self) -> None: """Call hook - run before calling `loop.quit`."""
[docs] def connect_bus(self): """Attach bus signal watch depending on the message type.""" if not self._message_handlers: return self.bus.add_signal_watch() self.watch_ids = [ self.bus.connect(signal, handler) for signal, handler in self._message_handlers.items() ]
[docs] def disconnect_bus(self): """Dettach bus signal watch.""" if self.bus.have_pending(): self.bus.set_flushing(True) self.bus.set_flushing(False) self.bus.remove_signal_watch() for watch_id in self.watch_ids: self.bus.disconnect(watch_id) self.watch_ids = []
def __call__( self, *, loop: Optional[Loop] = None, foreground: bool = True ) -> None: """Execute the aplication and run its loop. Args: loop: if not set, one is provided. foreground: whether to block when running. Raises: RuntimeError: loop is already running. RuntimeError: Unable to start pipeline. """ if self.loop: raise RuntimeError("Loop already running") gst_init() loop_ = self._before_pipeline_start(loop) try: self.pipeline.start() except RuntimeError: self.disconnect_bus() loop_.quit() raise self.after_pipeline_start() self.before_loop_join() try: loop_.join() finally: self.stop()
[docs] def stop( self, ) -> None: """Stop application execution. A loop must be running, and it is stopped as well. Raises: RuntimeError: no loop set. RuntimeError: unabl to stop loop. """ self.pipeline.stop() if self.loop is not None: try: self.before_loop_quit() self.loop.quit() except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=W0703 raise RuntimeError( f"Unable to stop application: ({exc})" ) from exc finally: self.loop = None
[docs] def probe( self, element_name: str, pad_direction: PadDirection, *probe_args, pad_probe_type: Gst.PadProbeType = Gst.PadProbeType.BUFFER, backend_uri: Optional[EventStreamUri] = None, ): """Register function as a probe callback. Args: element_name: Name of the `Gst.Element` to attach the probe to. pad_direction: : Direction of the `Gst.Pad` to attach the probe to. probe_args: Optional additional args - forwarded to the decorated callback as varargs. pad_probe_type: Buffer probe type. backend_uri: If set, used to send messages from the probe to this remote backend. Only used (and mandatory in that case) when he callable to decorate is a generator. Returns: decorated callback, registered as an application buffer probe. This method has two usages: to decorate proper buffer probes, where the developer is in charge of handling the data, and to decorate a generator which yields incoming data. In the latter a 'backend_uri' is required and used to connect and send any and all generated data into the remote service. """ def decorator(user_probe: CB) -> CB: pythia_probe, backend = _build_probe(user_probe, backend_uri) element = get_element(self.pipeline.pipeline, element_name) pad = get_static_pad(element, pad_direction) pad.add_probe( pad_probe_type, # type: ignore[arg-type] pythia_probe, # type: ignore[arg-type] *probe_args, ) self._registered_probes[element_name][pad_direction].append( {"probe": pythia_probe, "backend": backend} ) return pythia_probe return decorator
[docs] def inject_probes(self, extractors: Probes): """Register several probes. Args: extractors: mapping containing a collection of probes (callbacks) assigned to their respective element's source (or sink) pad. """ for element, padprobes in extractors.items(): for pad_direction, probes in padprobes.items(): for probe in probes: self.probe(element, pad_direction=pad_direction)(probe)
[docs] def backend( self, element_name: str, pad_direction: PadDirection, idx: int = 0 ) -> Backend: """Retrieve a backend for a registered generator probe. Args: element_name: Gstreamer element name the probe is registered to. pad_direction: The element's pad direction where the buffer probe is attached. idx: position in the registry array for the specified pad. As the most usual case a pad will have a single buffer probe, if this value is not set it defaults to `0`, meaning the signle element in the list is retrieved. Returns: The backend associated with the generator probe. The backend is in charge of posting the messages from the generator probe to an external service. """ return self._registered_probes[element_name][pad_direction][idx][ "backend" ]
[docs]def _get_from_positional_arg_name(signature, name) -> Optional[int]: try: return signature.args.index(name) except ValueError: return None
[docs]def _get_from_annotations(signature, name) -> Optional[int]: try: return [ signature.annotations.get(aa, None) for aa in signature.args ].index(name) except ValueError: return None
[docs]def _get_probe_batch_meta_idx(signature: inspect.FullArgSpec) -> Optional[int]: batch_meta_strats = [ (_get_from_positional_arg_name, "batch_meta"), (_get_from_annotations, "pyds.NvDsBatchMeta"), ] batch_meta_idx = None for strategy, name in batch_meta_strats: batch_meta_idx = strategy(signature, name) if batch_meta_idx is not None: return batch_meta_idx return None
[docs]def _get_probe_pad_idx(signature: inspect.FullArgSpec) -> Optional[int]: pad_idx_strats = [ (_get_from_positional_arg_name, "pad"), (_get_from_positional_arg_name, "gst_pad"), (_get_from_annotations, "Gst.Pad"), ] pad_idx = None for strategy, name in pad_idx_strats: pad_idx = strategy(signature, name) if pad_idx is not None: return pad_idx return None
[docs]def _get_probe_info_idx(signature: inspect.FullArgSpec) -> Optional[int]: info_idx_strats = [ (_get_from_positional_arg_name, "info"), (_get_from_positional_arg_name, "gst_info"), (_get_from_annotations, "Gst.PadProbeInfo"), ] info_idx = None for strategy, name in info_idx_strats: info_idx = strategy(signature, name) if info_idx is not None: return info_idx return None
[docs]def _build_probe(probe, backend_uri: Optional[EventStreamUri] = None): signature = inspect.getfullargspec(probe) is_iterator = inspect.isgeneratorfunction(probe) if backend_uri and not is_iterator: raise ValueError("'backend_uri' set. Probe must be a generator.") if is_iterator and not backend_uri: backend_uri = os.getenv("PYTHIA_STREAM_URI", None) if not backend_uri: backend_uri = "log://?stream=stdout" logger.warning( "'backend_uri' not set." " It is mandatory with generator probes." " Defaulting to '%s'", backend_uri, ) is_bound = hasattr(probe, "__self__") batch_meta_idx = _get_probe_batch_meta_idx(signature) pad_idx = _get_probe_pad_idx(signature) info_idx = _get_probe_info_idx(signature) supported = [ ["batch_meta"], ["pad", "info"], ["pad", "info", "batch_meta"], ] err_tmp = ( f"Unsupported spec {signature.args} for '{probe.__name__}'." f" Muse be one of `{supported}`" ) if is_bound: pad_idx = ( pad_idx - 1 if (is_bound and pad_idx is not None) else pad_idx ) info_idx = ( info_idx - 1 if (is_bound and info_idx is not None) else info_idx ) batch_meta_idx = ( batch_meta_idx - 1 if (is_bound and batch_meta_idx is not None) else batch_meta_idx ) if batch_meta_idx == 0 and (pad_idx is None) and (info_idx is None): if is_iterator and (backend_uri is not None): backend = Backend.from_uri(backend_uri) def pythia_iter_probe_batch_meta( _: Gst.Pad, info: Gst.PadProbeInfo ) -> Gst.PadProbeReturn: batch_meta = info2batchmeta(info) if not batch_meta: return Gst.PadProbeReturn.OK for data in probe(batch_meta): return Gst.PadProbeReturn.OK return pythia_iter_probe_batch_meta, backend def pythia_probe_batch_meta( _: Gst.Pad, info: Gst.PadProbeInfo ) -> Gst.PadProbeReturn: batch_meta = info2batchmeta(info) if not batch_meta: return Gst.PadProbeReturn.OK return probe(batch_meta) return pythia_probe_batch_meta, None if pad_idx == 0 and info_idx == 1 and batch_meta_idx == 2: if is_iterator: raise NotImplementedError def pythia_probe_full( pad: Gst.Pad, info: Gst.PadProbeInfo ) -> Gst.PadProbeReturn: batch_meta = info2batchmeta(info) if not batch_meta: return Gst.PadProbeReturn.OK return probe(pad, info, batch_meta) return pythia_probe_full, None if pad_idx == 0 and info_idx == 1 and batch_meta_idx is None: if is_iterator: raise NotImplementedError return probe, None raise ValueError(err_tmp)
[docs]class Application(BaseApplication): """Typical pythia application.""" on_message_eos = on_message_eos on_message_error = on_message_error